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Therapy for Self-Esteem

Do you suffer from anxiety or recurring bouts of sadness? Do you often feel awkward and self-conscious in social settings? Are you constantly comparing yourself to others and finding you never measure up?

Self-esteem is a concept that speaks to how we feel about ourselves. When you have  high self-esteem, you  feel confident, centered, and worthy of love. People with low self-esteem often feel shame and self-doubt. They often feel critical of themselves and feel that they are  unworthy of love or praise.

Therapy for Low Self-Esteem

The good news is that self-esteem is something that can be changed by changing your beliefs, behavior and how you think about yourself. Having said this, most people developed their self-esteem issues in childhood and have been living with low self-esteem for a very long time. 

Recognizing that you may suffer from low self esteem is the first step towards changing the narrative of your life. 

Through different evidence-based therapies, we will work together in identifying the thoughts and behaviors that have sabotaged you and have prevented you from living a more fulfilled and happier life.

If you suffer from low self-esteem and would like to explore treatment options, please reach out to me.