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Healthy Aging

The objective of the World Health Organization is the attainment by all peoples the highest possible level of health. One of its overarching goal is to  help people live healthy and thriving lives. Also, it aims to eliminate health disparities, achieve health equity, and promote health literacy geared towards improving overall well-being.

As a psychotherapist, gerontologist and educator, I help people with  their respective transitions. Aging is a dynamic process, and an opportunity to apply wisdom and insight we have learned throughout our respective lives in order to increase our sense of resiliency.

Some of the topics I share regarding healthy aging are 

  • ageism;
  • reframing aging;
  • optimizing aging;
  • identifying your strengths and  and increasing your  sense of resiliency;
  • empowering you to be proactive with respect to your healthcare; and 
  • identifying and accessing  resources. 

If you wish to be  proactive and contribute to a healthier well-being, I welcome you to reach out to me.