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About Vanessa Villafañe Gregory

I am a curious person and a life-long learner and believe all of us have strengths which contribute to our resilience.

"The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well".
- Hippocrates

My over four  decades of work in academia, psychotherapy, teaching, research and education have equipped me with the necessary tools to help others learn to thrive. With specializations in Psychological Counseling, Gerontology, Teaching and Human Services, I strive to help individuals identify events and circumstances  that hinder their personal and professional growth. I help them in their journey  of  transformation, thereby increasing their capacity to flourish and feel empowered. I earnestly believe that healthy individuals are the bedrock of successful communities and organizations.

Vanessa Villafañe Gregory, Ph.D., (Fordham University), MPH,  and  Cert. Gerontology (University of Puerto Rico, Graduate School of Public Health),  M.A. (Teachers College, Columbia University), (B.A., Barnard College) 


Therapy Services Offered in Spanish & English

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.